Exam Preparatioin Workshop

Creative Writing 

Our emphasis here is on the structure of an essay, the use of expressive language and the way to respond to an illustration or other prompts.

Opinion Writing

Our emphasis here is on the organization of this type of essay, the use of effective language and the way to express a point of view.


We focus on Maths problem solving and exam technique. These workshops are not about training in the basic processes of Mathematics. Students entering for Scholarships should already be proficient at Maths.

There are two stages in solving any problem.

  • Analysis – What is this problem really about?

What data does the question have which may help solve it?

  • Strategies – The skills that will help to solve the problem.

Reading Comprehension

A day course to teach students the skills of inferential reading, as well as how to interpret maps, diagrams, charts and illustrations.

Verbal Reasoning (as special G.A) 

A half day course to teach our techniques to see the relationships and solve problems using words and language, including verbal analogies, synonyms, antonyms and logical reasoning.

Numerical Reasoning (as special G.A)

A half day course to teach our techniques to solve problems using numbers. These tests include missing numbers, worded problems and logical reasoning.

Abstract Reasoning (as special G.A)

A half day course to teach our techniques on how to attack and solve these puzzle type paper.